Dr Angus Frith
I've had nearly thirty years of experience as a legal practitioner and academic, working largely in the field of Indigenous land rights and native title. I have worked with Aboriginal communities across Australia regarding the recognition, enforcement and governance of their land rights.
I've worked on litigation, governance, establishing and modifying entity structures, natural resource management and agreement making, as well as advising on native title and natural resources law, tax and governance.
Qualifications: LLB, BSc, MEnvSc, PhD
native title, land management and regulation
setting up organisations and governance
corporate and community training
facilitating community consultation and decision-making processes
Key experience:
Appeared for native title applicants seeking the recognition of native title rights and interests.
Drafted whole of country Indigenous land use agreements, establishing on-going relationships between native title holders and government.
Evaluated the operations of two native title corporations, including conducting multiple interviews with key Aboriginal and government stakeholders.
Made many submissions on law reform, particularly in the native title field, including supporting the National Indigenous Working Group in its opposition to the Howard Government’s Ten Point Plan in response to the Wik decision.
Represented many native title applicants in litigation in the Federal Court, and in negotiation and mediation.
Attended many native title claim group meetings, often involving scores of people, to provide advice and seek instructions.
Developed and taught training programs for native title corporations and native title representative bodies covering the establishment of entities, governance, and the performance of native title obligations.
Developed and taught ‘Managing Public and Native Title Lands’ and ‘Native Law and Practice’ subjects at both JD and Masters level at the Melbourne Law School.
Held board positions on non-government organisations, including ANTaR, ANTaR Victoria, the Australian Conservation Foundation and Fitzroy Legal Service.
Web: LinkedIn